Auto translation feature

Read how you can use auto translation and serve checkout to shoppers in the language they use and understand.

Updated over a week ago

In Customization > General settings you can enable automatic translation feature.

Checkify provides two options:

  1. Automatic translation by country's IP. This is useful when you are selling to countries with one dominant language, such as France, Italy, etc.

  2. Automatic translation based on the language of a device being used. This is useful when you are selling to countries with multiple languages, such as Canada, Switzerland, etc.

Example: Detection and auto translation to Italian

Example: Detection and auto translation to French

At the same time, you can customize each language individually in the Localization section. In this case, auto translation will use custom text data in the first place.

ATTENTION: Elements like PayPal button are not translated via Checkify. Their language is determined by the language settings of customer’s browser / OS / device. Also, your basic checkout's language for the form, set and activated in Localizations, may matter.

Therefore, after customizing your non-core languages, we strongly recommend that you check and activate your base language for the checkout: enable the trigger then save.

The base language will be used if the buyer's language could not be determined.

Big sales to you, in any part of the world!

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